Apply Now: Second Chance Act Smart on Juvenile Justice—Community Supervision Reform Program

Apr 4, 2017

ojjdp-logo-primaryThe U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is seeking applications for the Second Chance Act Smart on Juvenile Justice: Community Supervision Reform Program. The grant program supports the planning and implementation of a comprehensive community supervision reform plan that addresses the following: (1) critical programmatic functions in day-to-day juvenile community supervision practice, including the use of a comprehensive assessment of risk for reoffending, strengths, and needs; (2) cognitive-behavioral interventions; (3) family engagement; (4) release readiness; (5) permanency planning; and (6) staffing and workforce competencies. Community supervision efforts that include all six functions operating in tandem exemplify best practices for supporting youth who remain in or return to their communities from out-of-home placements.

The solicitation provides further details about the project, including selection criteria. Applications are due by May 8.

Source: JusticeCenter