Recently Cynthia Marshall, President of AT&T North Carolina and her assistant, Walter Wells visited the CSI headquarter offices. Over break-fast, they had opportunity to get better acquainted with the work that CSI does and hear about some of the challenges that the organization face.
Members of CSI’s Board of Directors and supporters listened as Ms. Marshall expressed her interest in community affairs and her desire to make AT&T North Carolina’s community efforts noteworthy. She has particular interest in the youth and building and/or re-establishing relationships of parent and children who have been separated for various reasons.
Ms. Marshall captivated the audience by sharing the struggles she faced as a child and how she always strove to be the best that she could be in spite of.
As a young adult she announced that she was going to be “president” of something.
Well, she has certainly achieved that goal: becoming President of AT&T North Carolina.
Some of CSI’s supporters or partners at the breakfast were the Honorable Judge Kristin Ruth; Glen Warren, FathersForever; Bettie Murchison, W.E.B. Dubois; Reggie Edwards, The Encouraging Place; Carol White; It Starts With U Foundation.
At the conclusion of the event, Ms. Marshall announced AT&T North Carolina as a sponsor of CSI.