
CSI offers a variety of classes to help our clients – as well as others in the community – gain critical life skills that will help them be successful.

Benefits of becoming a CSI Client

Anyone who is 18 or older who has had a conviction of any kind – even if it did not involve incarceration – can explore becoming a CSI client.

If you are interested, start by taking our assessment. Once you have done that, a member of CSI’s staff will contact you to discuss next steps.

As a client, you’ll get:

  • Access to CSI Resources to support housing, employment and other pressing needs
  • Coaching through life skills training
  • A network of resources and like-minded individuals to support you on your life’s journey.


Class Descriptions

In this 2-hour class, you’ll get a basic introduction into how to get the most out of CSI’s resources, and learn some new tools. Ideally, this class is the first that Clients take, though often Clients take it after one or more of the other classes.

In this 2-hour class, you’ll explore changing your beliefs to change your reality.

This is a 1-hr presentation by a person from the CSI Program or other program in CSI/Dennis Gaddy’s network, followed by 1-hr presentation by Step-Up Ministry.

In this 2-hour class, you’ll learn the basics about managing finances.

In this 2-hour class, you’ll learn the basics about managing stress.

In this 2-hour class, you’ll find out more about the options for getting your driver’s license reinstated.

Class Schedules

There are 7 different one-time classes. Six classes are required for our clients (items with * below). Each class is 2 hours long.

  • Four of the classes are presented every week.
  • Three are presented once a month.
  • DON’T miss a job interview or other critical appointment to take a class. You can take the class your next chance.

All classes are held at the NC Works Career Center Complex at 1830-B Tillery Place
Raleigh, NC 27604

10 am – 12 noon – Project Manage Your Life*

10 am – 12 noon – GPS to Success*

10 am – 12 noon – Ready to Work*

10am – 12noon – Alumni and Partners Speak*

2nd Monday of month:
10 am – 12 noon – Drivers License Restoration

3rd Monday of month:
10 am – 12 noon – Strategies for Everyday Stress *

4th Monday of month:
10am – 12noon – PNC/Financial Literacy*