In this 2-hour class, you’ll explore changing your beliefs to change your reality.
Class Contents
- Intro and Welcome
- Intro to Changing Beliefs to Change Reality
- Heads-up that content is primarily Law of Attractions (LOA)
- Turning New Thoughts into Beliefs that Change Reality
- How it Happens and Scientific Basis
- Where it Happens
- The Conscious and Subconscious
- Examples of Physical Effects of Positive and Negative Vibrations
- The Basis of Mental Vibrations Attracting Things (LOA handout)
- Reprogramming our Subconscious via Affirmations and Confirmations
- Refining Affirmations and Different Types of Confirmations
- Review of Recipe for Effective Affirmations and Confirmations (handout)
- Class Exercise: Write down and share Example of Affirmation and Confirmation
- Does LOA Always Produce the Effects we want? No. (explanation)
- Physical and/or Spiritual or Religious things can affect result.
- Like Gravity, LOA is a Universal Law, but unlike Gravity, it is influenced by human thoughts and beliefs
- GPS Lite
- How to handle when negative thoughts pop up during the day •
- Illustration of Thoughts, Visualizations, Feelings, and Beliefs