The National Criminal Justice Training Center of Fox Valley Technical College, in partnership with the Miami Nation of Oklahoma, will host a training that explores strategies that enhance collaboration between law enforcement agencies and tribal communities to reduce...
Around half of all the inmates put on parole in the U.S. end up violating the terms of their release and are sent back to prison. But across the country, states are trying to change the way their parole systems work in an effort to lower recidivism rates and reduce...
The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the National Parole Resource Center (NPRC) will select up to four state teams to participate in a two-day policy summit in the fall of 2017 during which the teams will examine the latest...
Policies Would Increase Public Safety, Support Victims of Crime, and Reduce Costs By CSG Justice Center Staff Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (front) talks about the progress of the Justice Reinvestment Working Group. Behind him from left to right is...
This brief from the National Reentry Resource Center profiles seven states in which recidivism has significantly decreased over the last decade according to several different measures. Using the most up-to-date data from Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, North...