Hosted by the Justice Clearinghouse Nationally, an estimated 78 percent of young people who have experienced homelessness report that they have also had at least one interaction with law enforcement, while 44 percent have spent time in a jail or detention...
By The Council of State Governments Justice Center Staff Despite the rapidly declining juvenile arrest and incarceration rates that have marked the past two decades, juvenile recidivism rates have remained stubbornly high: rearrest rates for youth on probation are 50...
The Baltimore Sun By Emily Moody Each year, hundreds of Maryland youths are automatically charged as if they were adults in the criminal justice system. While perhaps intended to promote public safety, research suggests this policy is bad for kids and communities. It...
The CT Mirror By Kelan Lyons The number of people admitted to Connecticut prisons and jails declined sharply between 2009 and 2018, and the reason likely isn’t what you think. “People are concerned that perhaps the reason we’ve seen the prison population fall is...
Drawing on first-of-its-kind survey data collected from all 50 states in partnership with the Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators, this new brief from The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center establishes an unprecedented baseline for...