Hosted by the National Reentry Resource Center with funding support from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Date: Tuesday, Dec. 19 Time: 2–3:30 p.m. ET Programs and services are considered evidence based when they...
WLNS By Alexandra Ilitch Michigan is one of five states that automatically allows 17 year-olds to be tried and sentenced as adults. An effort, called Raise The Age in Michigan is working to showcase some of the pitfalls of that system and details why it says 17...
This report draws on the experience of five states to present strategies that all states can use to achieve significant reductions in their use of suspensions. The report also offers recommendations for applying a data-driven approach to ensure that school discipline...
As a result of participating in Improving Outcomes for Youth: A Statewide Juvenile Justice Initiative (IOYouth), Nevada passed legislation that supports the adoption and implementation of key policy and practice changes to the state’s juvenile justice system. This...
This resource presents a concrete list of dos and don’ts that policymakers and justice system leaders can use to guide policy and practice changes focused on young adults in the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems. Informed by both research and practice, the...