Hosted by The Hill The Hill is convening state leaders, health officials, academics, and patient advocates for a conversation about mental health policy at the federal, state, and local level, and its impact on patients and caregivers. During the livestream,...
This SAMHSA website enables users to select a state from the map or use the drop down list to view all of the adult mental health treatment courts in that state. Source: JusticeCenter
By Ashleigh Fryer, CSG Justice Center Staff Paton Blough, a mental health advocate and founder of, speaks at the May 1 convening of the Judges’ and Psychiatrists’ Leadership Initiative at the CSG Justice Center headquarters. Kicking off #MentalHealthMonth...
By CSG Justice Center Staff May marks #MentalHealthMonth, a nationwide effort to raise awareness about mental illnesses and their impact. With an estimated 2 million people with mental illnesses being admitted to jails each year according to research, communities are...
The Intelligencer “This is the largest psychiatric hospital in the state of Pennsylvania.” The guy making that crack about jail isn’t a psychiatrist or some sort of credentialed mental health expert. He’s Bruce Herdman, chief of medical...