Hosted by the Rothko Chapel and presented in partnership with the Criminology, Law and Society Department at the University of St. Thomas, Houston
Date: March 30–April 1
Location: Rothko Chapel, Houston, TX
This three day symposium will explore the human rights issues associated with the criminal justice system in the United States. It will offer workshops, panels and keynote addresses featuring academics, activists, religious leaders, artists, criminal justice reform experts, and formerly incarcerated individuals and their families.
Roberta Meyers, Director of the Legal Action Center’s National H.I.R.E. Network, and a member of the Clean Slate Clearinghouse Advisory Committee, will be speaking on the panel From Arrest to Community Re-integration at the Rothko Chapel’s symposium on Undoing the Legacy of Mass Incarceration. This session will explore the process of arrest, incarceration, and reentry through the perspective of experts working in the field, including law enforcement officers, public defenders, educators, and community service providers, who will uncover the challenges and changes being made.
Source: JusticeCenter