Apply Now: Supporting the Well-Being of System-Involved LGBTQ Youth Certificate Program

May 18, 2017

Center for Juvenile Justice Reform CJJR squareThe Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University is now accepting applications for the Supporting the Well-Being of System-Involved LGBTQ Youth Certificate Program, which is designed to help juvenile justice, child welfare, and other system partners target and improve outcomes for at-risk LGBTQ youth. The program will focus on the particular challenges faced by LGBTQ youth in child-serving systems (including juvenile justice, child welfare, education, and behavioral health) as well as strengths and protective factors common to the population, and will highlight effective policy and practice reforms that promote positive youth development and take a holistic approach to addressing their needs. This certificate program will be held October 17–20, 2017.

Applications are due Friday, July 7. Learn more and apply.

Source: JusticeCenter