Beyond the Bars Conference

Feb 20, 2018

center for justice at columbia universityThe 8th annual Beyond the Bars Conference at the Center for Justice at Columbia University seeks to contribute to the growing movement to close jails and prisons as a part of the larger struggle to end mass incarceration. In particular, the event will focus on elevating the efforts led by grassroots organizers that include formerly incarcerated and directly impacted people. The conference aims to convene and support a national network of people and organizations working to close jails and prisons across the country; to help articulate a vision and analysis for closing jails and prisons and what comes in its place; address and examine some of the difficult issues and questions that arise in the efforts to close jails and prisons; and further catalyze university involvement in the struggle to end mass incarceration.

Date: March 1–4
Location: New York, NY

Learn more and register.


Source: JusticeCenter