Connecticut’s Crime Rate, Arrests, Probation and Prison Populations All Down

Oct 1, 2019

The CT Mirror

By Kelan Lyons

The number of people admitted to Connecticut prisons and jails declined sharply between 2009 and 2018, and the reason likely isn’t what you think. “People are concerned that perhaps the reason we’ve seen the prison population fall is because we just released a lot of people from prison,” Kyle Baudoin of the Criminal Justice Policy Planning Division recently told members of the Criminal Justice Policy Advisory Committee. “Well, the information that I have today suggests otherwise.” According to the division’s findings, the number of people entering prison has fallen much quicker than the number of those who are leaving, Baudoin said. “So, what we’re seeing is fewer and fewer people coming in the front door, not a large opening of the back door.”

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Source: JusticeCenter