Watch: Employ Milwaukee Reentry and Employment

Oct 1, 2018


This video from Employ Milwaukee in Wisconsin highlights the partnership between corrections and workforce systems to improve employment outcomes in the Milwaukee County, Wisconsin area and includes interviews with subject matter experts, an employer, and people who secured employment after incarceration with the aid of Employ Milwaukee. Employ Milwaukee and the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC) are part of the Council of State Governments Justice Center’s Integrated Reentry and Employment Strategies (IRES) pilot project, which focuses on bridging and integrating best practices from corrections, reentry, and workforce development fields outcomes for the reentry population. Since the start of the IRES project, Employ Milwaukee has created a Reentry Department that helps with career planning, job readiness, and job skills training, with a focus on Labor Market Information, individual assessments, and an employment action plan. Referrals to American Job Centers are provided to participants so that they may access Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programming to guide them through their transition into the community immediately upon release. As a result of the project, Employ Milwaukee has strengthened its relationship with the Wisconsin DOC and community-based partners, who work hand in hand to help people returning to Milwaukee County from incarceration.

Learn more and watch the video.

Source: JusticeCenter