Phillip C. Brickle, Jr. – Speaker
Reverend Brickle was born in New Rochelle, New York where he attended high school. He came to North Carolina on football scholarship at Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, NC.
He received his Associate Degree in Theology from Raleigh institute of Biblical Studies in Raleigh, NC.
Reverend Brickle was ordained November 16, 2001 by the Wake County Baptist Association and is the Founder and President of Lost Sheep Outreach Ministry in Raleigh, NC. Lost Sheep Outreach Ministry has evolved over the past twenty years. Its inception came about as a result of Reverend Ron Collier and Brother Phil Brickle discussing the needs of the homeless and less fortunate one autumn afternoon. Both had a burning desire to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the community of forgotten persons.
They realized those persons were precious to God, and had need of food, clothing, shelter and spiritual guidance, that motivated them to start an outreach ministry. With the support of Mother Melvina Blalock a missionary from Elevation Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC …that was the birth of the ministry.
With a pot of Chili they headed to Moore’s Square Park to feed the hungry and found that the line was longer than the pot of Chili.
Brother Brickle prayed for Churches, Ministries and the community to help him fulfill the vision and mission that God had given him and received a strong core of believers in Jesus Christ with talents, gifts and a passion for outreach. This core of believers come from many different churches within a forty mile radius of Raleigh, NC in the summer of 2005 the ministry was enlarged and became non-profit organization.