Project Managing Your Life

In this 2-hour class, you’ll get a basic introduction into how to get the most out of CSI’s resources, and learn some new tools. Ideally, this class is the first that Clients take, though often Clients take it after one or more of the other classes.

Class Contents

  • Intro to CSI
    • Ensure Clients are registered (NCW) and have done CSI Assessment (creates a CSI DB record).
    • Discuss CSI Classes Schedule (handout)
    • Info on CSI Life Coaches and POC’s
    • Advise to seek support from not only CSI, but LRC, NCW, and other orgs in NCW complex
  • Information on Second-Chance Hiring
    • Research and Survey Findings (handout)
    • Good for Clients to know for self-confidence purposes •
  • Overview of Project/Workflow Management
    • Project vs. Process
    • Career and Personal Goals
    • Conditional branching and simultaneous paths
  • Video of Catherine Hoke of Defy Ventures Presenting to TEDx Audience
    • The uneven playing field for many incarcerated
    • Transforming Your Hustle
    • Entrepreneurship Training and Support
    • A few Entrepreneurial Success Stories
  • Attendees Create their Workflows
    • Attendees given small whiteboards and drawing pens to create personal workflows
    • Restate video instructions to use boxes, arrows, and short labels. Start on end/goal and work backwards to where Clients are now. Diagram most complex Project (usually work/career). Use bullets for other priority projects.
    • Workflows photographed for future reference and coaching sessions.
  • Questions and Closing